Catching Amy

Cat visiting

I went to visit the cats today in their new home.  They are going to be really happy there!  Both were getting settled and laying around, and Carol, whose house they are in, has a pond with fish and a backyard for them to run in.  Her husband and she have a few other cats, and they all seem to be getting along well.  I was feeling a little sad when visiting, I really wanted to stay with them!  The room had such a comfortable feel to it because of the animals that I am missing at home.  Maybe more plants will do the trick.

The Houston Rockets won game 5!  Next up is the Lakers..

New forum

So I recently migrated from google blogs to wordpress. This was necessitated in part by a change in status. My cats got adopted out this week to a really nice couple. They have a big place and the woman is a receptionist in a vet’s office, so I know that gigi and lulu will be well cared-for. I’m planning to call and visit them next week to make sure of this. But since my current situation is not currently ‘us and two cats’, more like ‘me in houston’, I figured that a change in blog title and domain name was required. I had actually created the other blog on a whim, before I had really checked out different apps, and have been thinking about changing to wordpress for some time now, so the situation is not as sad as it seems. This is a good change, really!