Catching Amy

A new direction for me

I’ve decided that I need a motto.  Now I say motto, but earlier this was going to be known as my ‘rallying cry’.  Like when they are facing a battle, the rally that the army takes up as the soldiers are running toward the enemy?  Mine was going to be “in spite of having ____”.  Like “Amy founded her own country, in spite of having x”.

I’ve been down in the dumps a lot lately.  This is actually something I take pride in, because it’s what you do when you are going through a bad something, or a couple of bad somethings, as the case is for me, and want to make yourself feel better.  “I’m so glad that I’m feeling this now, rather than suppressing the feelings and going crazy later.”  This is what I keep telling myself whenever the feelings well up – I’d rather feel it than not.  Feeling feelings is healthy, suppressing them and pretending that everything is fine is not healthy.

So now I’ve decided that I need a goal to motivate me.  And mine is “Amy created ________ and ____, in spite of having lupus.  She did not let having the disease stop her.”

The next step is to determine what ____ and ____ are.  Figuring out what you would like to do with your life can be fun, as long as you do not put too much pressure on yourself.  Right now I have plenty of free time, and I’m supported financially and emotionally, I just need to put the work into determining what my interests are.

With the current sad economic times, I’m sure that I’m not the only “Woe-is-me” with an “Eeyore” face throwing off shades of self-pity?  If not, my request is this: whatever your “in spite of” is, don’t let it stop you.  Rather than slowing you down, make it your motivating factor.  Anyone with perfect luck can achieve, the “in spite ofs” are what make character portraits interesting.

So think back to the moments recently that were spent in solo action and brought you the most joy, so that time passed by effortlessly.  This is what you must be do more of with your time.

You probably work for a living, in which case you will need to determine your ____ and _____ after hours or on weekends, or even during your lunch hour.  That’s fine – just make sure you set aside a little time to devote to this project each week.

We all have a finite amount of time that we are given on Earth.  I’ve been working to come to terms with this idea on a personal level lately, and I know that I have something to contribute.  I just know that all of you do too.

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